How much do your proofreading and editing services cost?
For most documents that need proofreading only, we charge by the word, giving you the benefit of knowing how much your project will cost. An hourly rate will apply for editing services, rewrites, or unconventional and/or technical proofreading. Most of our clients have a fixed budget within which we try to work. Contact us for a custom quote if you are concerned about the price. Please refer to our Pricing Guide for more details.

How Long Will It Take?

We can begin work on most projects within a day or two of receiving the documents. For pieces of work that are needed quickly (such as CVs or covering letters that can’t wait), we will do our best to help, but there may be an extra charge. Please ask!
Depending on the length of your document, you could have it proofread and edited in as little as a few days. Please get in touch with us for further details.
Please remember that the less time we are given, the greater the chance we will miss something. This is true for any proofreading service you may use, not just those we offer.

Are My Documents Kept Confidential?

Without question! We have an in-house Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), or we will gladly consider one you have drafted. We are only interested in Proofreading and editing your documents. Once completed, they will remain on computer systems for a limited period, after which they will be deleted.
Where Are You Located?
We are based in the UK, but we can work with any English language documentation, including in US English, and discuss work by phone, Teams, email, or, if you are in the southeast of the UK, maybe in person!

What do You Look For When you Proofread/Edit?
A standard Proofread of a document will look for the following types of errors:

- Spelling Mistakes
- Grammatical Errors
- Typographical Mistakes
- Inconsistent Formatting
- Inconsistent Layout/Presentational mistakes
- Run-On Sentences
- Punctuation & Quotation Marks Misuse
- Subject-Verb Disagreements
- Sentence Fragments and Lengths
- Incorrect Apostrophe Use
- Comma misusage and Splices
- Different Tenses Than Expected
Copy Editing will include the proofreading
- Structure and Theme
- Organization Style
- Audience Appropriateness
- Consistent Style/Personality
- Footnotes and References
- Obvious Factual Errors
- Length of Document/Word Count Requirements

What Next?
The best thing you can do if you have more questions is to get in touch. Either fill in the contact form, give us a call, or drop us an email. We will get back to you as soon as possible and will do our best to help.