We can help you find, evaluate and select the best suppliers to drive savings, increase value & manage risk. We have a menu of options that can support you, from advising on which suppliers would best fit your organisation, checking how current contracts could be improved, managing an RFx process, through to a full strategic sourcing review. On top of this we can help you with the post-contract Governance requirements, with Vendor and Supplier Management support and training.
The bottom line is to support and enable both the process and operation of sourcing activities, to allow the creation of the best value outcome, in both the short and long term. Most people can find the cheapest supplier, but this is not always the best for you. There is so much to consider, from which would be the best cultural fit for your organisation, through to who would give you the best Total Cost of Ownership. Be it services or products, an outsourced managed service or a piece of hardware/software. We seek to find you the best value outcome, at the best price.
We can give advice , or simply act as a sounding board. We are flexible and aim to be as helpful as is required.

We can make sure every step of the process is carried out correctly, to get the best outcome, with the most value, for the client. The aim is to support the building of a long term relationship between the Customer and the Supplier. Doing this work up front will save a great deal of time, energy and frustration throughout the term of the contract, and beyond. If this is done correctly at the beginning, the chances of a renewal may well be a “no brainer” later on.
We can support every step of the process, giving advice, building and checking documentation, and making sure that nothing gets missed out.
The procurement activity typically includes:
- Identifying the Need (Discovery)
- Sourcing the Supplier(s)
- Negotiating Terms, Contracts, SLAs and Service Descriptions
- Building and Maintaining Relationships
You can use us for as little as much as you wish.
Have a look at the different stages of the sourcing process we can support you with here.

We can support across the board, or on individual pieces of work, double-checking documents, giving advice, and removing pressure so that outcome is a contract, and service, that brings real and tangible value.